Demmitt Rest Stop
The ol’ Demmit Campground in northwest Alberta is so named because if you blink and drive past it you say “DEMMIT!” Continue reading Demmitt Rest Stop
2 people living in a van
The ol’ Demmit Campground in northwest Alberta is so named because if you blink and drive past it you say “DEMMIT!” Continue reading Demmitt Rest Stop
Whether you are enjoying the view from the parking lot or immersing yourself in an hours-long hike, the badlands of Horse Thief Canyon are spectacular. Continue reading Horse Thief Canyon
For approximately every three people in the village of Torrington, Alberta, there is one stuffed gopher in its museum. Continue reading Gopher Hole Museum
Many years ago I spent a summer in Alberta and a friend and I rented a car with the specific purpose of seeing a giant prolate spheroid. Continue reading Vegreville Pysanky