Assabaska Ojibwe Heritage Park
It was so quiet driving into this park that I saw a lynx pause, look at our vehicle then dart into the woods. Continue reading Assabaska Ojibwe Heritage Park
2 people living in a van
It was so quiet driving into this park that I saw a lynx pause, look at our vehicle then dart into the woods. Continue reading Assabaska Ojibwe Heritage Park
Whether you are enjoying the view from the parking lot or immersing yourself in an hours-long hike, the badlands of Horse Thief Canyon are spectacular. Continue reading Horse Thief Canyon
Prior to visiting the east coast for the first time, I was informed that “Irving owns everything” and it’s kind of true. Continue reading Irving Nature Park
Finding the name of this place over a year after I visited it was simple because past-me helped out future-me by taking a picture of the sign. Continue reading Sebka Park “Battures”
Like most people, I’ve often fantasized about putting on some sort of magical Kevlar onesie, a pair of robotic stilts, and barreling through the marshes of the prairies just to see what’s up. Continue reading Cypress River Millennium Park
Within the belly of Nanaimo is a land of magic. Continue reading Piper’s Lagoon Park
I’ve collected rocks all my life and this beach was like stumbling upon rock mecca. Continue reading Pebble Beach