Demmitt Rest Stop
The ol’ Demmit Campground in northwest Alberta is so named because if you blink and drive past it you say “DEMMIT!” Continue reading Demmitt Rest Stop
2 people living in a van
The ol’ Demmit Campground in northwest Alberta is so named because if you blink and drive past it you say “DEMMIT!” Continue reading Demmitt Rest Stop
One of my new favourite drives in northern Ontario is Highway 129. It’s quiet, it’s picturesque, and there’s a dozens of pulloffs and opportunities to park and investigate trails. Continue reading Mississagi River Defunct Rest Stop #1
Despite the presence of rattlers, you get the feeling that this rest stop wasn’t necessarily built to be a rest stop, but because people kept pulling over for the spectacular view and it was only natural to put up a couple picnic tables and bathrooms. Continue reading Kamloops Lake View Point
Finding the name of this place over a year after I visited it was simple because past-me helped out future-me by taking a picture of the sign. Continue reading Sebka Park “Battures”
Like most people, I’ve often fantasized about putting on some sort of magical Kevlar onesie, a pair of robotic stilts, and barreling through the marshes of the prairies just to see what’s up. Continue reading Cypress River Millennium Park
Overall rating: 4.5. Located about 40km northwest of Sayward, BC, on the northern part of Vancouver Island. Continue reading Hoomak Lake
The Bruce Mines rest stop is located about 1km west of the town of Bruce Mines in northern Ontario on Highway 17. Continue reading Bruce Mines